Ghulam Mohammad has been working as a trekker in Wildlife and Nature Trails Drass Ladakh for the past three years. He is highly skilled in guiding and escorting tourists on treks, ensuring they have a safe and enjoyable experience. His expertise in navigating the rugged terrain of Ladakh and his deep knowledge of the local wildlife make him an invaluable asset to any trekking group.

In addition to his trekking skills, Ghulam Mohammad is an experienced entrepreneur. He owns and operates White Mountains, a popular restaurant in Drass, located near NH1D. 

The restaurant is well-known for its delicious local cuisine and welcoming atmosphere, making it a favorite spot for both locals and tourists. With his strong background in hospitality and trekking, Ghulam Mohammad offers exceptional service to his guests, providing them with an unforgettable experience both on the trail and in his restaurant.



Oppt.Tourist Reception Center Near Jammu & Kashmir Bank Drass